Figurative Busts
"Wake up" Amaco Air Dry Clay, Wood Base 6" x 5" x 2.5" Greta Amaco Air Dry Clay, Wood Base 2.5" x 4" x 1" Politician Amaco Air Dry Clay, Wood Base 2.5" x 5" x 1" In Process Photo Artist Statement I created these sculptures to be a visual commentary on the Climate Crisis. My vision for this piece was to show the relationship between young people and politicians, and how impossible it seems to get people in power to listen to young voices about climate change. The first sculpture depicts a young girl, whose face is modeled after climate activist, Greta Thurnburg. Her face portrays anger and sadness as she tries to speak to the second sculpture. The second sculpture depicts a politician, who is wearing headphones over his ears. Instead of eyes he has money signs, showing that politicians are blinded by greed and choose not to see what is happening around them. The sculptures are made from Amaco Air-Dry Clay, molded by h...